1. Any quotes given last for 14 days due to inflation of part prices.

2.The company will carry out the whole of the work specified in this quotation at the price quoted normal hours, between 8.30am to 4.30 Monday to Friday, Including travel.

And variations, additions or complications found along the duration of the works, will be subject to an additional charge, Quotes given is subject to change and can occur further cost.

3.If the company is delayed or prevented from installing by the agreed date due to delay or default on your part, the company may on written notice to you add to the charges at a reasonable sum in respect of any additional costs incurred.

4.Any Call backs, should you feel there is an issue with our work, then we will be very happy to return and rectify it at no cost (within 4weeks). However, should we return to site for a call back, but the problem be unrelated to the work carried out by flowrite & son, then our standard charges shall apply.

5.If you are a tenant, you may need your landlord’s permission for an installation to be carried out. The company will assume such permission has been granted and shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising from failure to obtain such permission.

6.Where the company needs to connect new equipment to your existing plumbing or heating system, we will not accept liability for the cost of repairing or replacing parts of your existing system, which subsequently develops faults. In certain situations, the company may charge for visits made to your home by the company’s engineer if your system is faulty or has developed a fault after the installation has been conducted. The company will not accept liability where you central heating system does not function properly because your water supply becomes inadequate, or the water pressure becomes invariable.

7.Unless otherwise specified, all estimates provided are done on an ‘as is’ basis and are not a fixed price quotation or firm price. The estimate will set out the likely minimum costs involved based on a visual inspection by the company and/or details supplied by the customer. The final price will be calculated based on the original estimate and in accordance with the companies' standard rate card applicable at the time of works being carried out and may be increased above the estimated price.

8.In addition, the company reserves the right to increase the price prior to any works being carried out, equivalent to the increase of cost to the company including additional materials, labour, equipment hire and transport since the date of the provided estimate (either done so in writing, email or orally), unless the final price exceeds the estimated price by more than 25%, by which the customer may cancel the contract provided it does so prior to any works commencing (including the order of materials or equipment hired).

9.Any estimate provided by the company may be revised in the following circumstances:

 A.If after the submission of the estimate by the company, the customer instructs the company (whether in written or orally) to provide additional works or services not referenced or detailed within the estimate.

B.If following the submission of the estimate by the company, there is an increase in the cost of materials to be supplied.

C.If following the submission of the estimate by the company, it is discovered further works and services need to be carried out which had not been anticipated.

D.If following submission of the estimate or works carried out, it is discovered that there was a manifest error when the estimate was prepared.

E.The company reserves the right to make a charge for the collection of materials, parts and equipment from any supplier, except for works where an estimate has been provided beforehand. If the collection of said materials takes part whilst the company is on site, the time taken for this will be treated as part of the works and charged at the applicable rate. If any materials are ordered for subsequent collection and delivery, a charge may be made by the company of £65

F.The company will not be under any obligation to provide an estimate to the customer. The company will only be bound to estimates provided in writing to the customer, which have also been signed by an authorised representative of the company. The company will not be bound to any estimates provided orally.

G.The customer will reimburse the company for any and all expenses incurred (including labour, materials and equipment hire) upon acceptance of an estimate which is subsequently cancelled by the customer.

10.If any of the terms and conditions are broken in anyway the company has the right to terminate any works to be carried out. If work has already been started a reasonable charge will be invoiced for.

11.once the work is completed and the invoice is sent. from the date of the invoice, the customer has 7 days to pay it, unless organised in advance and approved. An additional £15 will be charged per day after the 7 day period.